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Contact Us: Solard@gmail.com . Best source of info for climbing Mount Damavand, Iran.
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Maps Damavand Q&A
21-03-2012, 10:06 AM (This post was last modified: 30-08-2021 05:20 PM by Ardsol.)
Post: #2
Maps Damavand Q&A 2

Maps Damavand Q&A 2

Route Map Q&A 2 Mount Damavand

Some more common questions also asked by emails with a similar reply!

Q- Do you know a book shop where I can find a trekking map in Tehran?

Q- Do you know if there are any available maps about Demavand Mountain? Where could we in that case buy it?

Q- Where can I find and buy a good Damawand map in Tehran?

A- Mountaineering sport shops on Vali Asr Ave., Near Moniriyeh Sq. Tehran.
A- Yes there are many maps you can find in Tehran book shops and sport shops in
1- Enqelab St. opposite Tehran University, Tehran.
2- Outdoor sport shops, Vali Asr Ave, near Moniriyeh Sq., Tehran.

3- Camp 1 Polour Hut, Polour Village.

And you may use Google Earth which you can see the routes much clearer.
Visit also helpful topics in this regard: Maps, GPS Landmark, GPS Tracks.

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Contact Us: Solard@gmail.com . Best source of info for climbing Mount Damavand, Iran.

Messages In This Thread
Maps Damavand Q&A - Ardsol - 21-03-2012, 10:00 AM
Maps Damavand Q&A 2 - Ardsol - 21-03-2012 10:06 AM
Maps Damavand Q&A 3 - Ardsol - 21-03-2012, 10:11 AM

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